Shut Down Attica Rally on Nov 16 -11:30 am

Rally at Gov Cuomo's Office Thurs., Nov. 16 - 11:30 at 633 Third Ave (btwn 40th & 41st St.)

Message from Mumia

Sign the petition to NYS Gov Cuomo to Close Down Attica

New legal development in Mumia’s case

Mumia Abu-Jamal illegally sentenced to life imprisonment without parole! On August 13, 2012, without any notice and in violation of his constitutional rights and state law, Mumia Abu-Jamal was formally sentenced by Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Judge Pamela Dembe to

Petition: Shut Down Attica

Sign the Petition to NY State Gov Cuomo to Close Down Attica Prison

Join us on Fri, Sept 14, 7pm – Riverside Church

Listen to a Special Message from Mumia      On the day following the 41st anniversary of the Attica massacre of courageous prisoners rising up against intolerable oppression, we come together to

Download PDF for Sept 14 card

Download a two-sided postcard for the Sept 14 event at Riverside Church

Media Coverage of April 24th / Occupy the Justice Department protests in Washington, DC

Media Coverage of April 24th / Occupy the Justice Department protests in Washington, DC

PA Supreme Court Denies Mumia Abu-Jamal petition (26 March 2012)

PA Supreme Court Denies Mumia Abu-Jamal petition (26 March 2012)

RT News television interview with Mumia Abu Jamal

RT News has aired the first television interview with Mumia Abu Jamal since he was released from isolation and death row. Plus an older report on the work of the coalition and on Mumia's case.

Friday, April 13th Educational & Outreach Event at Riverside Church in NYC, 7pm

Join us and help build for April 24 OCCUPY THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT - Get your free bus tickets to go to Washington D.C. this Friday at 7pm at Riverside Church