RT News television interview with Mumia Abu Jamal



RT News
has aired the first television interview with Mumia Abu Jamal since he was released from isolation and death row.




Current interview

Embedded video version:



Current interview

Link to RT website:
RT News interview with Mumia Abu-Jamal


Old report (Dec 2011, including older events and interviews)

Embedded video version:



Old report (Dec 2011, including older events and interviews)

Link to RT website:
RT News report from Dec 2011


https://www.freemumia.com/2011/08/12-inch-penis-dildo/ https://www.viva-awa.com/tag www.bachelortreats.com/ https://www.freemumia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/3446464646.html https://www.freemumia.com/2011/05/best-affordable-vacuum-cleaner-in-2021-best-first-reviews/