Recent Press Coverage of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Case

Why my brother, Mumia Abu-Jamal, should be set free | Opinion
by Keith Cook, For the Inquirer, April 30, 2018

Fire This Time! (Vancouver)

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
Free Mumia – Now More Than Ever!
Campaign to Free Mumia Takes on New Legal Challenges

By Janine Solanki, April 2018 (Fire This Time! vol. 12 issue 4, page 15-17)

Whole Issue Poster

30 Frames a Second, MNN (Manhattan Cable TV, NYC):

Air Date: April 10 at 2-3 pm

Pam Africa and Suzanne Ross were on 30 Frames a Second, a 1-hour show, to discuss the current situation for Mumia, legally, politically, and medically. Host: Nat Wood.

That’s Manhattan Cable TV public access, Channel 34 (Community Channel) in Manhattan, NYC.
More Details here


Indymedia (Germany):

(USA) Politische Repression und Solidarität mit Gefangenen
(USA) Political repression and solidarity with prisoners [Google Translation]

Posted to, Mar. 29, 2018

Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report

Building Bridges hosts Mimi Rosenberg and Ken Nash interview Jacky Hortaut (union organizer, member of the CGT in France; an American studies Professor in Tours, France) and Dr. Claude Gillaumaud Pujot, (professor in France who wrote the 2007 Abu-Jamal biography, A Free Man on Death Row). They are part of the International Labor Offensive to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and All Political Prisoners.

Broadcast Mar 26, 2018 (on WBAI 99.5 FM, New York City) • Download


Philadelphia Tribune:

Status report conference slated for Mumia Abu-Jamal
By Ayana Jones Tribune Staff Writer Mar 27, 2018


New Legal Action is a Path to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Freedom, But a Re-ignited International Mobilization is Critical for Victory
By Rachel Wolkenstein, Feb. 28, 2018


Analysis: Mumia Abu-Jamal’s New Appeal for Freedom
By Raul Fernando Perez, Feb 27, 2018