Thank you for the incredible response to the international call for Mumia! NEXT STEPS!
International Offensive to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal (March 24-27 and April 30)

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NOTE: At the Feb. 26 status hearing, (after this letter was first posted) a new court evidentiary hearing date was set for Monday, April 30. Therefore, we still encourage people to continue planning local events around the March 24-27 period. And lets mobilize to go to Philadelphia on both March 27 and, especially, APRIL 30.
February 12, 2018
Dear Comrades, Friends, and Mumia Supporters:
As of today we are happy to announce that the organizations below have agreed to initiate the March 27th Offensive to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal expecting, of course, the many other organizations that signed onto the International Call to join us. Though the court hearing will be on the 27th, it may be more realistic for people in some places to organize an activity on the weekend prior to the 27th. We have set up an event page for the Offensive to Free Mumia which people around the world can now access. We also have a form, below, on which you can submit your activities/ events/ demonstrations so that we can post them.
To date, the French Collective has announced a very important contribution to this campaign initiated by The French syndicate of Journalists of the CGT (the largest and most widely recognized French labor union). The International Federation of Journalists, which has 600,000 members in 140 different countries, is publicly announcing its support for Mumia. Attached is the union’s letter to Governor Wolf..
And, of course, the court hearing will take place on Tuesday March 27 so that all eyes will be on Philadelphia that day. Bus arrangements from New York City are being planned, and people from other cities and countries have begun to let us know that they are planning to come to Philadelphia on that day as well. We have received several commitments regarding people coming from France. Also, we got word that there is some planning for an activity afoot in Senegal.
Please let us know as soon as you can about any plans you may have for events or for coming to Philadelphia on March 27th.
A luta continua, and onto a successful international offensive leading up to Tuesday, March 27th!
We, the undersigned individual and organizational members of the international community concerned with issues of human rights, call for:
- Public release of all the District Attorney and police files relevant to Abu-Jamal’s case, as the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas is reviewing the involvement of Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castille in a conflict of interest when he reviewed Abu- Jamal’s case as a PA Supreme Court Justice.
- Release Abu-Jamal now from his incarceration. That given the mounds of evidence of Abu- Jamal’s innocence and even more evidence of police, prosecutorial, and judicial misconduct, his unjust incarceration, including almost 30 years on death row, his twice near-executions, his prison-induced illness which brought him to the brink of death, and the lack of timely treatment for his hepatitis-C which has left him with a condition, cirrhosis of the liver, which poses a potential threat to his life … we call for the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal now.
International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ)
The MOVE Organization
Educators for Mumia
International Action Center
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC)
Campaign to Bring Mumia Home
Mobilization to Free Mumia (California)
Oakland Teachers for Mumia
Committee to Save Mumia
Prison Radio
Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Oakland, CA
Free Mumia Network, GERMANY (Free Mumia Berlin, Free Mumia Frankfurt, Free Mumia Heidelberg, and Free Mumia Nurnberg)
French Collective Libérons Mumia, FRANCE
Saint-Denis Mumia Committee, FRANCE
Amig@s de Mumia de México, MEXICO
Frantz Fanon Foundation
International Workers Committee Against War and Exploitation
United Steelworkers, Local 8751, School Bus Drivers Union (Boston)