Activists gathered recently to celebrate the Parisian suburb of Bobigny naming a street honoring Mumia…
Twitter Storm, Social Media, and PhoneZap for Mumia!

International Twitter/Media Storm & Phone Zap
Mumia Abu-Jamal—father, husband and grandfather—is an internationally renowned US political prisoner, widely honored for his piercing indictments of the racial inequities and brutal imperialist powers of the US. Abu-Jamal was originally targeted for surveillance and “neutralization” when he was a 15-year-old spokesman for the Black Panther Party in Philadelphia, by the FBI. |
By the age of 26, Mumia Abu-Jamal was an award-winning radio journalist with a wide following, known as the “voice of the voiceless” and outspoken in his defense of the MOVE organization. On December 9, 1981, Mumia saw a police officer assaulting his brother. When he approached the scene he was critically shot, brutally beaten by the police, framed for the murder of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner and, in a sham of a trial, sentenced to death. Abu-Jamal is innocent!!! |
Now, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mumia and countless other aging political prisoners are facing another death sentence, along with all the thousands of other aging, vulnerable and immune-compromised prisoners in Pennsylvania and across the country. We can’t let them be murdered in their cells by this inhumane medical neglect. Join with the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ), the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC), Mobilization 4 Mumia, The Campaign to Bring Mumia Home, the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition Bay Area and the many more organizers and activists in this International action to #FreeThemAll4PublicHealth! |
Launching April 15
STEP 1: Starting on 4/15: Keep posting all day,
with the hashtags in this picture.

STEP 2: You can supplement your posts
with the sample tweets below.
@GovernorTomWolf 717-787-2500 #FreeMumia #FreeThemAll4PublicHealth Approve immediate reprieves for Mumia & ALL Political Prisoners! Incarceration during a global pandemic SHOULD NOT be a DEATH sentence. ALL #PrisonersLivesMatter ! @CorrectionsPA John Wetzel #FreeMumia #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners We demand the immediate compassionate release for ALL aging, vulnerable and immune-compromised prisoners. Provide all prisoners with PPE and COVID-19 tests on demand. End the solitary confinement lockdown NOW. @philadao Larry Krasner #FreeMumia #FreeOurPeople Demand immediate reprieves for Mumia & ALL political prisoners! Incarceration during a global pandemic SHOULD NOT be a DEATH sentence. Call 4 IMMEDIATE compassionate release 4 ALL aging, vulnerable & immune-compromised prisoners! Bernadette Mason SCI Mahoney #FreeMumia #PrisonersLivesMatter Incarceration in a pandemic SHOULDN’T be DEATH sentence. End solitary confinement lockdown now! Provide ALL prisoners with PPE & COVID19 tests on demand. Place symptomatic prisoners in off-site medical facilities NOW! |
Or create your own tweets,based upon the demands below.

STEP 3: Make phone calls and send emails to the targets listed below.
Report the results of your calls on your social media posts.

Target names and contact info:
PA Governor Tom Wolf
PA DOC Secretary John Wetzel
SCI Mahanoy Superintendent Bernadette Mason
Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner
A sample script for phone calls and emails:

Hello, my name is . . .
I have grave concerns for Mumia Abu-Jamal, all political prisoners, and all aging and immune-compromised prisoners. All prisoners’ lives matter. Incarceration during a global pandemic should not be a death sentence.
We are asking for:
- Immediate reprieves for Mumia Abu-Jamal and all political prisoners
- Immediate compassionate release for all aging, vulnerable, and immune-compromised prisoners
- Provide all prisoners with PPE and COVID-19 tests on demand
- Immediately end solitary confinement lockdowns
- Relocate all prisoners with symptoms to off-site medical facilities
- Relocate all double-bunked prisoners to single cells where possible